How Big Are Raccoons? (2024)

Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are highly intelligent and adaptable mammals commonly found in North America. They inhabit a range of habitats, including forests, grasslands, mountains, wetlands, agricultural areas and urban environments. This article explores the physical characteristics of raccoons and provides an overview of their size.

The body mass of raccoons can vary considerably between individuals depending on several factors such as age, sex and geographic location. Adults typically measure between 16-28 inches in length with a tail that may add another 8-20 inches to this measurement. The average weight ranges from 6-23 lbs., although some have been known to reach up to 30 lbs. or more when living in particularly rich habitats.

Raccoons possess thick fur which makes them appear larger than they actually are; however, it also serves multiple functions in terms of temperature regulation, camouflage and protection against predators. Furthermore, their large front paws give them an advantage when foraging in water due to increased dexterity when grasping food items such as fish or crayfish.

How Big Are Raccoons? (1)

Species Of Raccoon

Raccoons are a species of medium-sized mammals native to the Americas, Japan, India and Europe. In North America, the most common raccoon is Procyon lotor, which has an average body length between 24 and 38 inches with a weight ranging from 10 to 20 lbs.

In South America, two species exist: P. cancrivorus (Crab-eating Raccoon), found in tropical regions along the Amazon river basin; and P. albiventer (White-nosed Coati), present throughout Central and South America.

The Japanese raccoon dog or tanuki (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is also sometimes referred to as a raccoon; however it belongs to its own genus despite having similar physical characteristics. While not technically classified as true raccoons, these animals have features that resemble those of their North American relatives such as bushy tails and pointed snouts.

Finally, Indian gray mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) have physical traits resembling those of European raccoons but belong to another family entirely.

In comparison to other members of the Carnivora order, raccoons are relatively small mammals with distinct facial markings and thick fur coats that protect them from harsh climates around the world.

Physical Characteristics

Raccoons are often thought of as small animals, but they can be quite large. On average, raccoons measure between 20 and 40 inches in length from their head to the tip of their tail. They also weigh an average of 10-30 pounds depending on gender and habitat.

The fur color is usually grayish or brownish with a distinctive mask pattern across its face that includes two black stripes running down each side of its snout, along with dark circles around the eyes. Its body size varies by region and climate due to adaptation; those living in colder regions tend to have thicker fur than those inhabiting warmer climates.

The most distinguishing feature of a raccoon is its long bushy tail which averages about 16 inches for adults; it has thick fur at the base tapering off towards the end.

A raccoon’s paws are dexterous enough to allow them to open containers such as cans and jars easily, making them adept scavengers when food sources run low during harsh winters.

Additionally, these paws possess five toes with sharp claws used mainly for climbing trees and other structures like houses – a common behavior among urbanized wildlife species.

Overall, while some may think that all raccoons look alike, physical characteristics such as fur coloration, body size, tail length and facial markings vary significantly between individuals even within the same group or family unit. This variation ensures successful adaptability of the species over time based on environmental pressures and resources available in different habitats around the world.

Geographical Range

Raccoons are found in many areas throughout the world. In North America, they are distributed as far north as Alaska and Canada, south to Panama and Mexico, and east to the Atlantic Coast. They can also be found in parts of Europe such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

In Asia there is a separate species of raccoon called the Hooded Raccoon that is native to India, Japan and China. It has been introduced by humans to Taiwan where it now flourishes. In South America raccoons are present in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. Finally, there have been sightings of raccoons in Africa although this region does not appear to be part of their natural range.

Many factors influence how widely these animals inhabit an area including climate conditions, available food sources and habitat availability. As opportunistic feeders they will take advantage of whatever resources are accessible which gives them great adaptability in terms of geographical range. Furthermore:

  • Their ability to use tools enables them gain access to hard-to-reach food items;
  • They frequently forage near water due to their semi-aquatic lifestyle;
  • The species exhibits particular preferences when selecting habitats such as woodlands or grassy meadows with plenty of cover from predators.

Due to these abilities and adaptations Raccoons occupy most of the Northern Hemisphere’s temperate regions on three continents – North America, Europe and Asia – while having only limited presence elsewhere such as South America and Africa.

Habitat Preferences

Raccoons have a wide range of habitats, from urban settings to woodlands and wetlands. With their adaptability, they can live in most terrestrial environments with access to food sources and water. In an urban setting, raccoons are often seen scavenging through garbage cans or making dens in attics and crawl spaces.

Suburban areas provide diverse habitat for the species; they may be found near ponds or marshes looking for crayfish as well as raiding bird feeders or vegetable gardens. Rural areas also offer suitable habitat for raccoon populations. Woodlands provide them with plenty of cover while searching for insects, grubs, nuts and other edibles on the forest floor.

Further still, wetland areas such as swamps, creeks and marshy meadows give rise to a variety of prey that inhabit these regions including frogs, turtles and fish; all staples of the raccoon diet.

As highly adaptive animals able to survive in various environmental settings worldwide, it is no wonder why raccoons continue to thrive despite human encroachment into their natural habitats. The presence of this species throughout multiple biomes provides insight into how versatile its behavior can be when confronted with varying ecosystems.

Diet And Foraging Habits

Raccoons are omnivorous, and their diet includes a variety of fruits, nuts, grains and other vegetation as well as insects, eggs, fish and small animals. They have the ability to adapt their foraging behavior according to food availability in an area.

Raccoons often scavenge human-provided foods such as garbage or pet food left outdoors. They also search logs and trees for insect larvae or honey found inside beehives. Their nocturnal habits allow them to avoid predators while they search for food during the night.

In addition to acquiring food from both natural sources as well as anthropogenic sources, raccoons also construct denning sites throughout their range for sheltering purposes.

Denning sites can include hollowed out tree stumps, rock crevices, burrows dug by other animals or abandoned man-made structures like sheds or attics.

During the day when not actively searching for food resources the raccoon will retreat back into its denning site where it is protected from potential predation until nighttime arrives again allowing them to leave the safety of their dens once more and resume their nightly activity cycle of searching for food resources.

Raccoon’s diets vary seasonally due to availability of certain preferred resources but overall they consume a wide array of items available within each particular environment that they inhabit which allows them to survive under varying environmental conditions with relative success over long periods of time.

How Big Are Raccoons? (2)

Reproduction And Lifespan

Raccoons are typically not picky when it comes to mating. Similar to the way a jack-of-all trades can switch between tasks, raccoons do not show fidelity; they mate with multiple partners and even different species at times. Like many other animals, their reproductive behavior is triggered by seasonal changes in temperature and daylight hours.

When female raccoons enter breeding season, they will become more active and socialize with males around them. Males also experience an increase of activity during this time as they search for mates.

During mating season, male raccoons may fight over territories or females using vocalizations and facial expressions such as baring teeth or hissing like cats would do.

After mating has occurred, gestation lasts from 60 days up to 74 days before young raccoons (kits) are born in litters ranging from one to seven kits per litter. The mother builds nests for her kits out of dry leaves which she lines with fur plucked from her own body.

Young raccoon kits start walking on their own after about four weeks but continue nursing until five months old and remain dependent on the mother until eight months old when they reach sexual maturity themselves.

Raccoon lifespans vary greatly depending on environmental factors such as predators or human interaction, however most wild adult raccoons live two to three years while captive adult raccoons have been known to survive up to 20 years.

With its unique adaptability and reproductive cycle, the raccoon population continues growing each year despite any negative interactions with humans or animal threats that may come along with it.

Human Interactions

Humans can interact with raccoons in a variety of ways, both positive and negative. Raccoons that are petted by people gain trust easily, thus allowing people to get closer than normal. People also provide shelter for raccoons by creating habitats within their own yards or homes.

Additionally, some individuals feed the animals specific diets composed mainly of fruits and vegetables on an ongoing basis. On the other hand, because of the large population size of raccoons they can be viewed as pests when they rummage through trashcans searching for food sources or cause destruction around residential areas looking for potential densites.

Finally, there is always the option not to engage with these animals directly; instead leaving them alone while observing from a safe distance away.


The raccoon is a species of mammal that has been studied for centuries, with its physical characteristics and habitat preferences varying depending on geographical location. These animals possess the unique ability to adapt easily to changing environments and can be found in most parts of North America.

Raccoons have an omnivorous diet consisting of both plants and small animal prey, which they are able to locate by using their heightened sense of smell and hearing. Reproduction occurs during late winter or early spring, typically resulting in litters of four or five kits who will remain with their mother until six months old.

Humans have interacted with raccoons since first settling within their range; while some interactions have resulted in conflict due to raiding garbage cans or gardens, these animals also provide benefits such as pest control.

It is important for humans living near raccoons to take proper precautions when interacting with them in order to prevent negative encounters from occurring. Ultimately, understanding the complex nature of this species allows us to further appreciate the remarkable adaptations that enable it to thrive in habitats across North America.

Raccoons are truly fascinating creatures whose size belies their intelligence and resourcefulness. Through careful observation and research we can better understand how these resilient mammals live and interact with the environment around them – knowledge that helps ensure their continued survival well into the future.

How Big Are Raccoons? (3)

Bryan Harding

Bryan Harding is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists and a member of the American Birding Association. Bryan is especially fond of mammals and has studied and worked with them around the world. Bryan serves as owner, writer, and publisher of North American Nature.

How Big Are Raccoons? (2024)


How big are raccoons? ›

A full grown adult male will weigh up to 35 pounds and be about 3 feet long from tip of the nose to the end of their tail. Full grown females are slightly smaller. The largest raccoon on record weighed 50 pounds! Raccoons are easily recognized by their black facial mask and bushy striped tail.

How big do raccoons have to be to be on their own? ›

Time to Be Free

Raccoons that have reached a weight of six pounds are big enough to live on their own in the wild. So they're loaded into pet carriers and taken to a place where they'll be freed. But not just any place will do. The kits have to be released close to where they were found as orphans.

What is the average height of a racoon? ›

General Raccoon Facts

Average Size: 12" tall; 24-38" long; 14-23 lbs. Identifying Features: Gray fur with a black mask and 4-7 black rings around its tail; pointy snout with a black nose; dexterous front paws.

How big of a space can a raccoon fit in? ›

In most cases, a raccoon needs only four inches to squeeze through — think roughly the diameter of a small piece of fruit. Many property owners believe they should spot a hole that size, especially if it is around their attic or garage, but raccoons are intelligent and capable animals.

What's the biggest raccoon ever recorded? ›

Did you know that the world's largest raccoon weighed 75 pounds? Of course, that is far larger than the average-sized raccoon. But about how big do raccoons get? Raccoon size range.

How big are raccoons compared to dogs? ›

Raccoons are about the size of a small dog and are most noted for their black mask and bushy ringed tail. Most raccoons weigh 8-15 pounds.

What does a 2 week old raccoon look like? ›

At 0-2 weeks, baby raccoons are tiny with giant mouths, and their eyes and ears are closed. All they do at this age is eat and sleep, although they react to any sort of touch or temperature change (the incubator door opening will get them moving.) Otherwise they don't move around at all.

Can a 3 month old raccoon survive on its own? ›

Its mother nurses it for about three months. However, that doesn't mean it can survive without its mother when it has been weaned. An infant raccoon may still need help finding food and shelter. Up to nine months after birth, it remains heavily dependent on its mother and cannot survive without her for very long.

What can raccoons not eat? ›

Raccoons are dustbin scavengers, but that doesn't mean they can eat anything. Onions, garlic, and chocolate are all harmful to raccoons, just like they are to dogs and cats. Raisins can make them sick as well, but fresh grapes are safe.

How many years does a raccoon live? ›

The average lifespan of a raccoon in the wild is about five years, but with abundant food and shelter they're able to survive well past a decade. However, it has been estimated that 50 percent of raccoons die within their first year due to disease, starvation, predators, or human intervention.

Do raccoons leave gifts? ›

If you're finding gifts in the same place repeatedly, that would probably be a raccoon. Foxes deposit their gifts as a way of marking a trail, food or territory. Raccoons like to create gift galleries, also known as latrines, thus they repeatedly go in the same place.

Why do raccoons rub their hands? ›

Biologists have recently described the behavior more as feeling rather than washing. Researchers have found that Raccoons' forepaws are even more sensitive when wet. Moistening their paws helps them better identify objects in their hand as being food or not.

Can a raccoon fit in a 3 inch hole? ›

“It is a little known fact that adult raccoons can fit through an opening as small as 3" to 4" in diameter. To prevent access, you should inspect the home or structure for all possible openings, and then seal them off.”

How many miles can a raccoon travel in a day? ›

How Far Do They Travel? Raccoons usually do not go far from their home range and will stay in a certain territory when they are scavenging, although they can sometimes move up to 10 miles in search of food or mate. Most raccoons will travel within the same area, but they may also roam when breeding season comes.

How far of a drop can raccoons survive? ›

Raccoons, like cats, have an amazing ability to land on their feet. In fact, it's speculated that raccoons can survive falling out of trees so long as they don't break a limb. They have even been documented walking off as much as a 40 meter drop (that's more than 130 feet!) with no adverse effects.

Are raccoons aggressive? ›

Sometimes raccoons can appear to be bold or aggressive, but they are naturally cautious of people and won't attack under normal circ*mstances. Even a mother raccoon with babies is more likely to run away in fear than she is to stand up to a big, scary predator like a human!

Are raccoons very aggressive animals? ›

Do Raccoons Attack? Raccoons are naturally shy animals that prefer to retreat when they sense humans nearby. However, as the pests' natural habitat decreases and they adapt more to a human environment, that fear can dwindle. Raccoons are dangerous to people and pets when cornered or protecting their young.

Is A raccoon bigger than a cat? ›

The raccoon is larger than a house cat, but smaller than most domestic dogs. It can grow to a length of 23 to 28 inches, half of which is its bushy tail, and weigh between 12 and 36 pounds. Its coat is a mixture of gray and black, which gives the raccoon a salt and pepper appearance.

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